714 542 5600
Sun-Sat: 9am-5pm
1829 N. Tustin Ave
Santa Ana California 92705
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as well as Gary's view on how local weather is affecting your garden
We have the best local selection of fruit trees, berries, herbs and other edibles. We have a good selection of annuals and perennials and also specialize in exceptional ornamentals.

We Sell the
Best Permanent
Potting Soil & Planting Mixes

Top pot is specially formulated for permanent applications. The performance of other potting soils declines severely beyond 6 months of use due to breakdown of organic components. The ingredients of this potting soil permanently allow maximum airflow to plant roots. Without adequate oxygen, root growth is stunted and root rot diseases are prevalent. Top pot also contains charcoal for superior retention of nutrients.

Learn more about perfect soil, and the soils we make in this video.
Many of our customers have inquired about local distributors for our potting soils and planting mix. BFG Supply distributes our "Gary's Best soils". If your local nursery does not already carry our soil, ask them if they could make an order with BFG Supply! Check the Soil Info tab for stores that have previously ordered our soils and for more info.


Tomatoes: Better Boy, Big Rainbow, Black from Tula, Black Krim, Celebrity, Cherokee Purple, Early Girl, Green Zebra, Lemon Boy, Momotaro, Momotaro Gold, Purple Calabash, Reika, San Marzano,

Bite size varieties include: Aiko, Black Cherry, Chica, Grape, Juliet, Sungold, Sun Sugar, Sweet Million & Sweet 100.

Peppers, Spinach, Cucumber, Peas, Lettuce, Kale, Celery, Brussel Sprouts, Coriander


Caladium, Dahlia, Freesia, Gladiolus, Ranunculus

Seasonal Colors & Others

Argyranthemum: Berry Gummy, & Buttermint
Blue Lace Flower
Dianthus Sugar Plum

Pittosporum 'Silver Sheen'

Avocado liners (young grafted seedlings) are due to arrive within a few weeks.

Image of soil bags
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Check out our Bare Root Article, which appeared in the LA Times 'Weekend' Section on Sunday 1/24/16, click the link below
9am to 5pm Sunday
9am to 6pm Monday through Saturday